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Your shopping cart

To proceed with the payment select the quantity and click the image of the credit card you want to use. You can also pay with a PayPal account.

After clicking the payment button you will be asked for your billing and shipping information in the next step.

To view the payment button PayPal you will first have to enter and send the privacy acceptance form.

The payment procedure takes place on secure servers managed by the operator PayPal, you can pay with credit cards (or prepaid cards such as PostePay) even if you are not a PayPal user.

Il tuo carrello è vuoto

Click the button with the inscription PayPal to pay through your PayPal account
or click the card icons to pay directly with your card. 

If you want to add other products to the cart go to the products page.

Enter the data for privacy consent

After giving consent you will be shown under the products of the cart the button to proceed with the payment